Wordle, Dec 30

"Wordle" today #1 of 290 Hints, Clues and Answers for Monday December 30th

Now years since his debut, the word-based sensation Wordle maintains a loyal fan base who try to guess each day’s word in as few tries as possible.

Play the game he bought The New York Times in early 2022, eager Wordle participants have six attempts to work out the word of the day. Within these six guesses, you will use a designated color system to determine which letters are present in the chosen word of the day.

If a Wordle the user guesses the letter that is in the correct place, the tile turns green. If the letter appears in the word but not in the location the user guessed, it will turn yellow. If a letter does not appear in a word at all, the tile will turn gray.

Wordle, 30 December
“Wordle” on a mobile phone. Ritzynews has a number of tips for Monday’s “Wordle” puzzle if you’re trying to guess a five-letter word.

AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, File

It’s important to choose a strategic initial letter, such as commonly used vowels like “e” or “a,” Aslan said. Consonants like “r” and “t” are also good bets, Aslan added.

“Choose a word that starts with ‘q’, ‘z’, ‘j’. or ‘x.’ for example, it may not be the best choice because after a few guesses you get more feedback, users need to use some knowledge of phonetics to narrow down or eliminate some of the words they might be thinking.”

Answer for Monday Wordle it will be revealed at the end of this article, so scroll down carefully if you want to figure it out for yourself.

Wordle #1,290 Hints and Clues for Monday, December 30th

Help no. 1: This word contains two vowels.

Help no. 2: There are no repeated letters.

Help no. 3: Monday’s answer has to do with the eyes.

Help no. 4: The Wordle the answer to monday is a noun and can be a verb.

Tip #5: It starts with the letter “S.”

Wordle #1,290 Answer for Monday, December 30th

Answer for Monday Wordle is “Old.”

“Stare” is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as “to look for a long time with the eyes wide open, especially when surprised, frightened, or thinking.” It can also be a noun.

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