Helen Mirren

Relive Helen Mirren’s “Harry Potter” game show with these magical quizzes

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Diehard Harry Potter fans and pop culture obsessives who remember — and miss — the 2021 game show Hogwarts homecoming tournament they can fill the Golden Snitch-shaped void in their hearts by essentially becoming contestants themselves by taking a turn HP– thematic quizzes online.

Hosted by Helen Mirren, the quiz show was created to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of the first film, which aired during the 2021 holiday season. The premise was simple: contestants from around the world were divided into Hogwarts houses – Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw – and competed against each other in their details. Harry Potter knowledge.

Helen Mirren
Helen Mirren attends Lionsgate’s “White Bird” New York screening at DGA Theater on September 26, 2024 in New York City. Relive the actress’ “Harry Potter” game show with these magical quizzes.

Cindy Ord/Getty Images

Although the game may have only existed for a special 20th anniversary celebration, Potterheads can still test their own knowledge of the books and movies – and see how they themselves would fit into Harry Potter space — with the quizzes below.

The most introductory for a new fan Harry Potter the quiz to take is one that determines your Hogwarts house through a series of personality-based questions. (Mirren herself is a Slytherin.) Also a must-have is the character quiz, where an HP fan answers a series of questions to find out which character they like best.

Dive deeper into the world Harry Pottertest your knowledge of the spells and magical creatures that inhabit Hogwarts. These trivia quizzes challenge your knowledge of the magical world of spells, creatures, and artifacts.

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